WHAT IS AUFGUSS? A multi-sensory sauna ritual

The six core elements

  • Heat
  • Essential oils
  • Towel work
  • Lighting/ambience
  • Music
  • Style
Experience Aufguss



Aufguss is a multi-sensory ritual inside the sauna lasting approximately 15 minutes. The Aufguss master works with water and a towel using techniques to circulate heat throughout the sauna.

There are six core elements which combine to create Aufguss:

  • Heat: Gradually increasing the heat. It’s crucial near the end of the session the temperature is brought up to the highest point to make adrenaline peak and release endorphins.
  • Essential oils: These give the fragrance experience along with the benefits of the selected essential oils.
  • Towel work: This is an art. Aufguss Masters train in specific techniques. The waving, if performed gracefully is very beautiful to watch.
  • Lighting/ambience: This can help set the mood. Aufguss can use natural light or darkness. It is also possible to utilise coloured lights.
  • Music: Waving the towel choreographed to music increases the sense of performance.
  • Style: The Aufguss Master is a key element in determining the overall style and how they guide guests through the experience to combine all elements.


The Aufguss ritual is designed to enhance the benefits of a sauna session to heightening levels of endorphins and serotonin.
The ritual will leave guests feeling both mentally and physically revived. Benefits range from a meditative state of mind to improving cardiovascular strength, boosting the immune system, as well as alleviating pain.
Different essential oils can be utilised for different outcomes. For instance, peppermint can be used as a revitalising oil, lavender for calm and eucalyptus to clear the airways.


There are two types of Aufguss; one for ‘Show or Performance’ and one for ‘Wellbeing’. At Rudding Park we focus on the wellbeing.